The Ten Commandments for Weight Control

Written By Carol Ann Brannon, MS, RD, LD

  1. Plan your menus and snacks – do not skip meals. Shop from a grocery list.
  2. Keep a daily food and exercise record.
  3. Eat a variety of foods in moderation, especially plant foods daily. Do not leave out dairy foods.
  4. Eat mostly whole grains breads, cereals, and pasta; limit intake of refined carbohydrates.
  5. Focus on fiber-rich foods, including whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Try soybeans and other soy foods.
  6. Eat more colorful foods – lots of dark, green leafy vegetables, red fruits and vegetables. Try eating more raw vegetables.
  7. Choose “real” or whole foods over processed foods.
  8. Focus on the “good” fats, especially the omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid the “bad” fats – foods containing saturated, hydrogenated, and trans fatty acids.
  9. Drink 6 to 8 (8-ounces) glasses of water daily.
  10. Be active – exercise regularly to help maintain a desirable, healthy
    weight and for cardiovascular health.

Optimal eating means eating functional foods – foods that promote good health and may protect against certain diseases, especially "diseases of affluence." There is a revolution taking place in nutrition. The focus is on what you should eat, not on what you should not eat.

Wellness can be described as: waking up feeling rested and refreshed; having plenty of energy throughout the day; being able to stay focused; having a good memory; ability to be optimistic and upbeat; manage stress in appropriate ways, resistance to illness such as the flu; and free from aches and pains.