The Ten Commandments for Weight Control
Written By Carol Ann Brannon, MS, RD, LD
- Plan your menus and snacks – do not skip meals. Shop from a grocery list.
- Keep a daily food and exercise record.
- Eat a variety of foods in moderation, especially plant foods daily. Do not leave out dairy foods.
- Eat mostly whole grains breads, cereals, and pasta; limit intake of refined carbohydrates.
- Focus on fiber-rich foods, including whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits, and vegetables. Try soybeans and other soy foods.
- Eat more colorful foods – lots of dark, green leafy vegetables, red fruits and vegetables. Try eating more raw vegetables.
- Choose “real” or whole foods over processed foods.
- Focus on the “good” fats, especially the omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid the “bad” fats – foods containing saturated, hydrogenated, and trans fatty acids.
- Drink 6 to 8 (8-ounces) glasses of water daily.
- Be active – exercise regularly to help maintain a desirable, healthy
weight and for cardiovascular health.
Optimal eating means eating functional foods – foods that promote good health and may protect against certain diseases, especially "diseases of affluence." There is a revolution taking place in nutrition. The focus is on what you should eat, not on what you should not eat.
Wellness can be described as: waking up feeling rested and refreshed; having plenty of energy throughout the day; being able to stay focused; having a good memory; ability to be optimistic and upbeat; manage stress in appropriate ways, resistance to illness such as the flu; and free from aches and pains.